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Alia and Obaid ready for Tønsberg

Tony Blom-Pettersen on 14th June 2024

Tønsberg, Norway – In a groundbreaking event, Alia Abdul Salam will participate as the first Emirati woman in a powerboat racing competition. She will compete in the prestigious Tønsberg Boat Race, which will take place on the first weekend of August 2024.

Abdul Salam has undergone intensive training in Abu Dhabi under the guidance of Frode Sundsdal, who is also the organizer of the Tønsberg Boat Race.


Alia Abdul Salam has shown impressive skills and determination during her training in Abu Dhabi, which bodes well for her debut in Tønsberg. Frode Sundsdal is proud of what they have achieved together.


“It is incredibly exciting that we will be visited by both Alia and Obaid. They will both go far in powerboat racing,” says Sundsdal.


During a trip to the Middle East, Sundsdal also managed to secure participation from Obaid Bin Mubarak, another promising powerboat racer from the United Arab Emirates. Mubarak has already established himself as a talent to watch, and Sundsdal believes that both he and Abdul Salam will add a new, exciting dimension to the competition.


“The participation of Alia and Obaid marks notjust a sporting event but also an important cultural step forward for powerboat racing. We are incredibly proud to host these talented athletes and look forward to seeing how they perform on the international stage,” says Sundsdal.


Alia Abdul Salam has expressed her excitement and awe over the opportunity ahead of her.


“This is a great honor and an important moment for me personally, and I hope it will inspire more women from my home country to pursue their sports dreams,” says Abdul Salam.


The Tønsberg Boat Race will undoubtedly be an exciting competition, with both local and international participants vying for honor and prestige. Expectations are high, and with Alia Abdul Salam and Obaid Bin Mubarak at the starting line, we can expect a unique combination of talent, cultural exchange, and sportsmanship.


All eyes will be on Tønsberg 1st weekend of August, not only to follow the progress of the competition but also to witness a historic milestone that could inspire future generations of powerboat racers, especially women, from around the world.

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