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Are you the new contributing editor ?

Tony Blom-Pettersen on 11th November 2021
Back in October it was announced that I had acquired the worldwide rights to the Powerboat Racing World website, along with its FaceBook and Instagram sites. I am now delighted to say that the acquisition from John Moore has been completed.
Now, as promised, to take it to the next level the #TheRaceFactory are looking to expand the team behind the Powerboat Racing World title.
In particular we are looking for a Contributing Editor to oversee the PRW website and to input to our FaceBook and Instagram sites. Ideally the candidate would have a proven journalistic track-record along with an extensive knowledge of powerboat racing. This post would be a salaried one and the fee would be negotiable on meeting the previously mentioned requirements.
If you are interested in this role, or simply just to contribute to the success of PRW please can you private message me as we are looking to make this appointment within the next ten days.
Maybe you have a tip ?  Email me 🙂
Safe racing, and lest make Powerboat racing better !
Best regards,
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