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Carella and Al Hameli target Grand Prix of London for comeback

Chris Davies on 21st May 2018

The Victory Team duo of Alex Carella and Ahmed Al Hameli have vouched to set aside their disappointing start to the season and target a stronger finish in London when the 2018 UIM F1H2O World Championship is held in the United Kingdom next month.

Carella finished fourth in Portimao yesterday and said after:

The more we are in the new boats, the more comfortable we are getting with each passing day.
It is just a matter of time when we expect everything to come together and we can aspire for the top spots.
I was having issues with the trim throughout and this was perhaps to be expected as our boats are brand-new.
But what came through was that each and every member of the team was supportive.

Al Hameli finished sixth:

We have got three more weeks till the next race in London and we will have to put in those extra hours so that we can be competitive in the field.
Victory Team is about being number one, and we would want to do everything to ensure we are at the top.

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