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F1H2o – London!

John Moore on 14th April 2018

On Monday I will be attending the Launch Press Conference of the F1H2o Grand Prix of London.

The event will be held at East London’s historic Royal Victoria Dock between the 15th and 17th of June and is the most highly anticipated powerboat race of any in recent years.

Nicolo di San Germano, the promoter of the UIM F1H2o World Championship, last staged a race in the Capital back in 1985 and has been working incredibly hard to get the ‘flagship’ of circuit racing back to London.

He, with F1H2o drivers, Marit Stromoy and Philippe Chiappe will be taking questions from the press on Monday morning.

I thought it would be an idea that if any of Powerboat Racing World’s readers had any questions for San Germano or the drivers that I could pose to them on their behalf.

If you have a question, please email me.

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