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In Tønsberg this August….

John Moore on 2nd April 2021

Over the weekend of August 6-8, Tønsberg will again play host to international circuit racing and this year the UIM F2 boats will be racing for the Nordic Championship.

This will be the eighth consecutive year that the oldest town in Norway has staged the event, the race will be run under UIM International Ordinary rules and will also be open to F4, GT30, GT15 and P750 classes.

The organisers, Joyce Christine Andersen and Frode Sundsdal are of course keeping all options open as the global health crisis still wreaks havoc with long term planning.

The Norwegian couple are hopeful that by August travel will become easier with the vaccination roll-out and with that gradual return to normality, their event can go ahead.

As with previous years, the action will get under way on Friday evening with Match Racing and Speed Runs for the UIM F2 boats with Saturday and Sunday packed with on water competition for all classes.

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