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Lithuania launches its first motorboat academy

John Moore on 20th August 2020

With the rest of the powerboat racing world cancelling events left, right and centre this year, the Baltic States are just getting on with it.

Fresh from hosting UIM European titles for GT15, GT30 and OSY-400 last weekend, Lithuania has just witnessed the launch of it’s first motorboat academy.

The facility which is based on the site of the old Kaunas Lagoon pier, had its official opening ceremony yesterday evening.

The event was hosted by Lithuanian media personality, Andrius Janušauskas, and was attended by delegates of the Lietuvos Motorlaivių Federacija (LMF) and other invited guests.

LMF President and double European UIM F2 Champion, Edgaras Riabko, made an address at the event and explained that the motorboat academy would be used to train young children from the age of six upwards the basics of the sport with safe, responsible behaviour while on the water.

Six training boats have already been purchased for the students to gain theoretical and practical knowledge and to compete with each other in organised competition.

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