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MAIB issue report on Stewartby Lake F4 accident

John Moore on 12th April 2018

The Marine Accident Investigation Branch (MAIB), have issued their report on a collision between 2 F4 drivers at Stewartby Lake last July.

MAIB summarises the incident:

Boat 43 flipped over and its driver, unable to free himself from its flooded cockpit, lost consciousness and stopped breathing.
The driver was released from the cockpit within about 5 minutes and was revived by the medical team on board one of the race circuit’s safety boats. He was taken to hospital for treatment and subsequently made a full recovery.

The striking thing about the report is that the drivers are left unnamed and are simply referred to as ‘Boat 43’ and ‘Boat 22’.

Boat 43’s driver’s emergency air supply cylinder was not charged to its full design pressure.
Had it been, he might have escaped or been rescued before he lost consciousness.

A structural failure to Boat 22’s port hull probably caused it to turn into the path of Boat 43.

The full report can be found here.

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