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S1 – 100 knots, 2000 HP

Frode Sundsdal on 5th February 2022

The Norwegian magazine, Båtmagasinet wrote the following about this unique boat in 2014:

«The boat is called Sverige S1 and will do over 100 knots with two Rolls Royce Meteor V12 engines with a cylinder volume of 27 litres which together provide over 2000 hp. The engines were originally built for tanks and to reach the goal of 100 knots they are easily modified with double compressors on each machine.

The traditional magazine, Båtmagasinet had the story on S1 as the most read artical in 2021. Speed is still in fashion !

The idea for the spectacular boat was conceived as early as 1929. The goal was to build a direct challenger to Garfield Wood’s boat, Miss America VIII, but when the stock market crash on Wall Street came the same year, the boat project was put on hold. It was the engine designer Ruben Östlund who designed the boat.


More than 80 years later, Johansson & Son Båtbyggeri AB in Holmsund in Sweden breathed life into the plans again, digitized the original drawings and started the construction of the boat, and in 2012 the Swedish speed monster was launched. “


We treat ourselves to a reunion with the Swedish speed monster and wish our readers a really good weekend!

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