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Stuart Croxford – UIM’s Ambassador for Equality

John Moore on 6th March 2017

Former ThunderCat racer and Captain in the British Army, Stuart Croxford, was in Monaco last Saturday evening to explain his role as UIM Ambassador for Equality.

He told Powerboat Racing World;

The UIM has provided a fantastic opportunity for Team Endeavour Racing’s work to be seen on an international stage to prove what can be achieved post serious injury with new challenges to battle adversity and increase resilience for testing times in the future.

Team Endeavour ThunderCat Racing was set up by Croxford who was injured in Afghanistan in 2012 where he suffered extensive injuries to both feet, he retired from ThunderCat racing last season in Gibraltar.

He has stepped aside to give an opportunity for other injured veterans looking for a new challenge and the team is now being lead into the 2017 season by both Brian Seggie and David Pratt, who are developing new racers into the sport and increasing the foot print of a fantastic community.

It’s so important for new members to take on the mantle and support the team with their developing skill base and once again feel part of a valued team as they move forward with their transition to new opportunities.

Commenting on his role with the UIM Croxford explained;

It’s a great honour to have been asked to be the UIM’s ambassador for Equality and Diversity and then to be invited to the UIM Awards Evening in Monaco.
To be able to meet other racers and officials from the International circuit and have the opportunity to change perceptions is a fantastic opportunity.
I’d really like to see how other nations can look at encouraging and supporting recovery in sport by using powerboat racing as an aid within a great international community.