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Tønsberg – 3 more UIM F2 years

John Moore on 13th September 2016

The UIM F2 World Championship has certainly captured the imagination of powerboat racing fans over the last couple of years.

With 20 plus competitors, close and exciting racing, it is the gift that keeps giving to racers and spectators alike.

A seven race series this year, with the final round to be held in Ribadouro, Portugal next month has tested the teams to a new level.

The Championship has attracted the fiscal might and ability of Team Abu Dhabi, who are running a 2 boat team under Team Manager, Guido Cappellini, a ten time winning F1 World Champion.

The 2017 calendar is already looking good, another seven races are in the offing including venues in Abu Dhabi and South Africa.

Frode Sundsdal and his partner Joyce Christine Andersen have worked hard to keep Tønsberg, Norway as a UIM F2 venue for next year and beyond.

Sundsdal told me this evening;

We have commitments from our sponsors to run an Event for another 3 years. The application has been sent off to the federation.

Tønsberg loves F2 Powerboat Racing and I am looking forward to making the formal announcement very soon.

Photo: Chris Davies

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