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Torrente begins his road to the top

Chris Davies on 12th February 2018

Shaun Torrente has begun his testing programme in advance of the 2018 UIM F1 H20 World Championship, following his switch from the Victory Team to Team Abu Dhabi within hours of the finish of December’s Grand Prix of Sharjah.

The Miami resident has been in the UAE over the last few days and has set some very impressive times at the Abu Dhabi Breakwater in his DAC, running under the watchful eye of Salem Al-Remeithi and team manager and 10-time World Champion Guido Cappellini.

Team personnel even confirmed on Social Media that the American had beaten the time set to qualify on pole for last December’s Grand Prix of Abu Dhabi.

The season gets underway with the Grand Prix of Portugal on May 19/20.

Photos: AbuDhabi Powerboat Team

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