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Torrente – It broke my heart

John Moore on 28th February 2018

Powerboat Racing World have reported today that Shaun Torrente will be driving for the Abu Dhabi team in the UIM XCAT World Championship this year.

The F1H2o driver who moved to the team last December had been expected to be throttling for New Star Racing #9 this year.

Torrente told me this afternoon:

I did intend to race at New Star in the XCAT Racing World Championship this year.

However, during my F1H2o testing sessions in Abu Dhabi recently, I really started to feel at home in a way that I haven’t for many seasons.

We decided that I should represent one team this season and build success in F1 and XCAT.

It breaks my heart that I have had to turn down the New Star drive, but I will be doing anything I can to support them, they are great guys.


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