The UIM are inviting proposals for their three 2020 Special Awards and the process is open to pretty much everyone who is involved with the sport.
The three honours that are up for grabs are for innovation, environmental benefit and greening the sport.
In a press release today the UIM were said to be:
Encouraged by the success of past editions, and is proud to launch the application procedure for the 2020 UIM Environmental Award and Special Mentions.
Explaining the awards:
This Award recognises outstanding environmental leaders, whether individuals or organisations that have excelled in inspiration, vision, innovation, leadership and initiatives to the benefit of the Environment.
As to who can apply:
UIM Member Federations, Racing Teams, Boat Builders, Engine Manufacturers, Universities, Research Centers, Scientists, Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s), event organisers, companies and individuals.
Read the brochure first then complete the Entry Form and return it no later than 1st February 2021 to the UIM Secretariat by email: