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Vila Velha de Ródão signs up for UIM F2 season opener

John Moore on 12th March 2021

The mayor of Vila Velha de Ródão, Luís Miguel Ferro Pereira, and Paulo Ferreira, the president of the Portuguese Powerboat Federation today signed a protocol with the view of staging the first round of the UIM F2 World Championship.

If all goes to plan, Vila Velha de Ródão will act as the season curtain raiser over the weekend of June 4-6 and Ribadouro will play host to the second round a week later.

Ferreira told me last month:

After we hosted two of the three rounds successfully last year, the Portuguese Powerboat Federation will not give up on launching the F2 World Championship in 2021.

Currently, Portugal’s new cases of COVID-19 are at their lowest level since September 7 last year, and the country has the third lowest incidence rate in the EU.

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