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Bermuda’s classic race is cancelled

John Moore on 17th June 2020

The Bermuda Powerboat Association (BPBA) announced yesterday that the 2020 Annual Round the Island Power Boat Race has been cancelled.

BPBA Commodore Robert Cardwell posted on social media:

We have today announced to our membership that due to the COVID-19 pandemic we are forced to cancel the 2020 Annual Round the Island Power Boat race.

As Commodore and in consultation with the Executive Team in the BPBA we have to make this very difficult decision but feel it is the right decision.

The Round the Island Power Boat race has consistently been held and scheduled for the first Sunday after Cup Match since 1955. It has never been cancelled.

As it the case with all other sporting bodies we remain dormant for the 2020 Power Boat Race Season and our teams are both disappointed but understand the position we are in as a responsible body.

The BPBA applaud the Government for their transparency and open communication as collectively we navigate our way through the COVID-19 pandemic in the safest possible way and we wish everyone well.

Photo: Andrew Osborne