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UIM F2 engine appeal procedure

Frode Sundsdal on 21st October 2022

Mikael Lundblad, the UIM Comintech President, spoke to PRW yesterday about the engines that failed technical inspection at the last round of the UIM F2 World Championship.

Those competitors that appealed the decisions made by the UIM Technical Inspector Paul Balfour in Vila Velha de Ródão will be measured in Sweden in early November.

Lundblad told us:

We have contracted a company that will measure the motors down to the micron.


After that process we will write an individual and confidential report to each driver and publish a general report for media use.

The engines that didn’t pass inspection last month belonged to Tobias Munthe-Kaas, Stefan Hagin and Sami Seliö.

Finland’s Seliö has decided not to appeal which means that if Hagin is successful he would become the 2022 UIM F2 World Champion.

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