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Zander captures dramatic Twister Cat moment

Frode Sundsdal on 21st August 2022

Anton Modin and Kristoffer Groth had a moment in their Twister catamaran yesterday and Jesper Zander was in the right place at the right time to capture the dramatic images.

Sweden’s Zander told PRW:

I saw that Anton got a proper flight and I aimed the camera and shot as many pictures as I could because I sensed that something out of the ordinary could happen!


Once they came back up, I took a picture to zoom in and see if they were ok!

Modin explained the incident to us:

It was flat water so I had to drive quite hard.


On the penultimate lap we hit a wave wrongly and came down on one of the sponsons.


Kristoffer flew out of the boat when we submerged – But we were both okay!

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