The weather conditions had left the vastly experienced Race Director with little choice on the grounds of safety. ‘I gave all those drivers that needed to check the repairs made to their raceboat last night the chance to evaluate them out on the course earlier this morning’ he said, ‘but they all came back saying that the strong gusting winds made it very unpredictable even to qualify in.’
Amongst those who went out was the current F1H2O World Championship points leader Shaun Torrente.
‘I only went out for a few laps but at times it felt that I was just strapped in for the ride’ said the Team Abu Dhabi racer.
‘At one point when I was heading to turn three and the entire boat was picked up and moved sideways across the course, I had no control what so ever. I got on the radio and said that’s me done for today!’
The conditions are forecast to remain the same throughout today making it totally unsafe to hold official Qualifying.
The plan, although nothing ‘official’ has been released yet is that Qualifying will take place on Sunday morning.
If however, it is deemed that it is still unsafe then they will use the drivers’ championship points to determine the starting grid for the Grand Prix of Portugal.
Quote of the day came from yesterday’s Grand Prix of Figueira Da Foz winner Jonas Andersson when he said
‘Too much wind for an old man like me’ thank you Jonas, enough said.