Back in 2016 Mâcon in the Burgundy region of east-central France vibrated to the rhythm of the UIM F2 World Championship, now this year, the city will join the likes of Chalon sur Saône, Evian, La Rochelle, Lyon, Paris, and Vichy, when they host a round of the UIM F1 World Championship.

Mâcon resident Cédric Deguisne, who over the race weekend of June 4 – 5, will have a dual role: that of Event Organiser and Driver with Maverick F1 Racing said at this week press conference held overlooking the Saône
After the withdrawals of Serbia and Russia from the calendar, following the outbreak of the conflict in Ukraine, I proposed Mâcon to the Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM) which gave its agreement after a visit to the site.

This agreement from the UIM has immediately been validated by the City Mayor Jean-Patrick Courtois.
We really couldn’t miss such an opportunity and I remember a sentence that the late Yves Deguisne threw at me during a race on the Saône in Mâcon when he said, ‘this body of water really deserves to welcome one day a larger test.’ So, today the wish of Jean-Vital’s father and Grandfather of Cédric has come true.

The Macon Motor Yacht Club President Jean Vital Deguisne said
It will be impressive to see the containers and the tents all in the colours of the nine two boat teams visible along the Quai des Marans. The action on the water will leave more than one person speechless.

Having carried out tests opposite the marina in Mâcon, Cédric Deguisne hosted the presentation of the first round of this year’s F1H2O World Championship the Grand Prix of France-Mâcon Val de Saône in the presence of some of the organising committee, along with the mayor Jean-Patrick Courtois and two elected officials.
As a driver it is exciting for me to run in my hometown in front of my public and I am eager to show them up close what F1H2O is all about. I am immensely proud to be, along with my family and my team, the organisers of this event and to give to my city the opportunity to be included in the same list of prestigious locations all other the world that have held races and to offer to the people of Mâcon a spectacular event.

Jean-Patrick Courtois concluded by saying
I want the Saône to live to the noise of the engines throughout the weekend. It will remind people that there is life in Mâcon.
Photos: Fernand Ribeiro