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F1 back to china

Tony Blom-Pettersen on 7th February 2023

Zhengzhou to host round two as F1H2O racing returns to China after four-year absence.

The Chinese city of Zhengzhou will host the second round of the 2023 UIM F1H2O World Championship on April 28th -30th.

H2O Racing today (Tuesday) announced the country’s spectacular return to the sport after a four-year absence. Zhengzhou is the capital and largest city in the Henan Province in the central region of the country. It lies close to the Yellow River and is a major transportation hub, linking the country to Europe and beyond.


H2O Racing founder Nicolò di San Germano said:


“We are proud to be one of the first international sports to go back to China after the Covid-19 pandemic. This country has been a home for F1H2O for the last 30 years. It is a major boost to the championship that we are able to return for the first time since China hosted two back-to-back races in Xiamen in 2019. The reemergence of the country and the dropping of restrictions is terrific news.”

Di San Germano also thanked the China Motorboat Association (CMA) and local organiser Tianrong for their sterling efforts in being able to arrange an event so soon after the country re-opened after the pandemic.


The countdown is now on to the start of the 2023 UIM F1H2O Kopiko Grand Prix of Indonesia, round one of the championship, on Lake Toba in northern Sumatra on February 24 th -26 th.


A delegation from Zhengzhou will be present at the opening round in Indonesia for the official flag hand over, as has become tradition on rounds of the UIM F1H2O World Championship.

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