The organizer of Tønsberg Boatrace confirms today that they are back on the UIM international calendar. The popular boatrace is sceduled 4th to 6th of August 2023 spoke to the organizer, Frode Sundsdal :
We have worked on it for a while, and today we received the confirmation from UIM. We will continue to develop the event, and we have some pretty bold ideas on what we want to do. Lets see if the UIM will support us when the proposal of a new raceformat will be submitted within next week. Regardless, our event is an International Ordinary Event, so mark your calendar. We will make it worth while.
The organizer received from the UIM office, via the national federation this communication :
“Today, the International Ordinary Event of Tønsberg has been added to the UIM Calendar of International races, to the dates of 4/6th August, and for the classes F2 and F4.
Please relay the notification to the organizer.
Could you please inform him that on the same dates, a Round of the UIM F4 World Championship is organized in Viverone (ITA). This is in case he was not aware, and if he wishes to change the dates of Tønsberg IOR event”. ;
Will you consider to change the date ?
Frode Sundsdal answered ;
We have organized the Tønsberg Boatrace on the first weekend of August since 2014. Last year we got knocked down due to covid, and we tried to change the date, but ended up with a cancellation. We will not do that mistake again, so when u think of Tønsberg, think 1st weekend of August.